ART component is used in react native when we want to draw different shapes in iOS applications. Art component called using ART object. In react native iOS application project the ARTShape library cannot be directly used, we want to link our react native project to ART library. So in this tutorial we would solve react native’s No Component Found for View with name ARTShape iOS application Error.
Screenshot of Error:
Contents in this project No Component Found for View with name ARTShape React Native iOS Error Solution:
1. Open your react native project in XCode in MAC by opening ReactNativeProject -> ios -> projectName.xcodeproj file in XCode.
2. Now while the project opening in XCode. Goto YourReactNativeProject -> node_modules .
6. Now you can see a file named as ART.xcodeproj . Drag the ART.xcodeproj file into Libraries folder in Xcode like i did in below screenshot.
7. Now select your project name in XCode. Then select Build Phase -> Link Binary with Libraries.
8. Drag libART.a file in Link Binary with Libraries.
Here you go guys. Now all you have to do is execute the
react–native run–ios command again to re-build the project and the error should be solved.