React Native Create Custom Sliding Drawer Using Animation iOS Android

Sliding drawer is default widget comes with Android application development but in react native there is no component known as Sliding drawer. But we can make our own Sliding drawer using custom animation method. Sliding drawer is a sliding view from left to right side connected with a ICON which control the Slide in and Slide out animation. So in this tutorial we would going to Create Custom Sliding Drawer Using Animation for both iOS and Android application in react native. So let’s get started ?? .

Contents in this project Create Custom Sliding Drawer Using Animation iOS Android Example :

1. Import View, Text, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity, Image, Platform and Animated component in your project. We would also define a constant variable Sliding_Drawer_Width and define the Sliding drawer width as 300 pixels.

2. Create constructor() in your class. Now we would make this.Animation and this.Sliding_Drawer_Toggle.

this.Animation : Is used to set animation on sliding drawer.

this.Sliding_Drawer_Toggle : Holds the Boolean value in True – False form.

3. Create a function named as ShowSlidingDrawer(). This function is the base of this tutorial. Using this method we can control the Toggle functionality with Slide In – Slide Out animation.

4. Create Aniamted.interpolate method in render block. Interpolate method controls the animation and makes it smooth. In outputRange we would set a formula to show the ICON while drawer is hidden.

5. Create a Root View in render’s return block.

6. Now we would add a Text component before Animated.View. The Animated.View is our Sliding Drawer View.

7. Define all CSS Style .

8. Complete source code for App.js File :

Screenshots in Android device :

Create Custom Sliding Drawer Using AnimationScreenshot in iOS device :