React Native Scroll Down To Bottom and Scroll To Top in ListView Android iOS Example

The ListView component in React Native has 2 different functions known as scrollToEnd({}) and scrollTo({}Index_Position), The scrollToEnd({}) function will automatically scroll down at the bottom of ListView at the last index value and scrollTo({}Index_Position) function will give us the functionality to scroll to any given specific ListView item index value. We are using the scrollTo({}Index_Position) function to scroll at the top […]

React Native flexDirection Row Column Explained iOS Android example

flexDirection style is used to set Primary Axis of layout. It would automatically determines and set all the children of Root view(On which you have applied the flexDirection) in Horizontally(Row Format) and Vertically(Column Format). The default value of flexDirection is column. If we do not apply the flexDirection on our view then it will automatically sets the children into […]

React Native Show JSON ListView click item value on another Activity Screen iOS Android Example

Passing data from one activity to another is very important in react native. The React Navigation library gives us a method named as this.props.navigation.navigate(Your_Activity_Name, Value_You_Want_To_Send). So in this tutorial we would going to Show JSON ListView click item value on another Activity Screen in iOS Android react native application. We would retrieve the JSON ListView FlatList […]