React Native Highlight Bottom Tab Bar Selected Tab Android iOS Example

createBottomTabNavigator() component has its own State, Props and navigation methods which is used to make the Bottom Tab Navigator completely dynamic. In Today’s tutorial we would learn about How to highlight selected createBottomTabNavigator() Tab in React Navigation in React Native. As we all know when a tab is highlight on selection it looks much good in user’s eye, because when we change Background Color of Selected Tab it will let the user know which Screen on you are. So in this tutorial we would learn about React Native Highlight Bottom Tab Bar Selected Tab Android iOS Example.

Contents in this project React Native Highlight Bottom Tab Bar Selected Tab Android iOS Example:

1. Before getting started we have to install all the Essential NPM package libraries. I have already make tutorial regarding to this, So Here is the link of my previous Bottom Tab Bar Navigator post. Open the tutorial and follow Step 1, 2, 3 & 4.

2. Open your project’s main App.js file and import Text, View, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity, NavigationContainer, createBottomTabNavigator component.

3. Creating a function named as Screen_1. We are using functional component structure in this tutorial. This is our First screen of Tab navigator.


4. Creating another functional component named as Screen_2. This is our Second screen for Tab Navigator.


5. Creating another functional component named as Screen_3. This is our Third screen for app.


6. Creating a function component named as CustomTabBar with state, descriptors and navigation argument. This is our Custom Tab Bar for project in which we would Highlight the Selected Bottom Tab.

  • isFocused : The isFocused is used to manage a State value which would returns us True or False and according to given value we would change the Style of selected TouchableOpacity button and make the button Highlight on selection.

Screenshot of Bottom Tab Bar :

React Native Highlight Bottom Tab Bar Selected Tab Android iOS Example7. Creating createBottomTabNavigator() object named as Tab. We would use this object to define all the Screens of Tab Navigator.

8. Creating a functional component named as AllTabs(). Inside this function we would first call our Custom Tab bar component using Tab.Navigator method. We would also define our already created 3 Screens using Tab.Screen method.

9. Creating export default main function named as App(). In this function we would call the All_Tabs component wrapped in NavigationContainer component.

10. Creating Style.

11. Complete Source Code for App.js file:


React Native Highlight Bottom Tab Bar Selected Tab Android iOS Example React Native Highlight Bottom Tab Bar Selected Tab Android iOS Example