Execution failed for task processDebugResources Android Error React Native

The Execution failed for task processDebugResources error is one of the most common error faced by every react native developer, This error is mostly comes after installing any third party plugins(Libraries) into our react native project. This error comes because of build failure and the react native apk builder were unable to generate the sample apk file for Simulator. So in this tutorial we would going to solve the Execution failed for task processDebugResources react native error in Android. So let’s get started .

Error: FAILURE: Build failed with and exception.

What went wrong:

Execution failed for task ‘:app:processDebugResources’.

java.io.IOException : Could not delete path.

*Try :

Run with –stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Rn with –info or –debug option to get more log output.


Screenshot of Error:

Solution of Execution failed for task processDebugResources Android Error in React Native:

1. Open your react native project folder in CMD(Command Prompt) and execute the below command. This command would clean the previously build Gradlew files and refresh the complete react native android project.


Execution failed for task processDebugResourcesNow run the
reactnative runandroid command and you’ll see your project will build successfully.