Get Current Date With Month And Year in React Native Android iOS

The JavaScript’s inbuilt function Date().getDate() gives us the facility to retrieve Get Current Date With Month And Year in both android and iOS applications on button click. So in this tutorial we would going to get current date using Date().getDate() function, retrieve current month using Date().getMonth() function and current year using  Date().getFullYear() function and display inside react native app […]

How To Enable Disable JavaScript Code in WebView React Native

JavaScript and jQuery is the base of almost every web application(Websites) present on internet because of its flexible environment. But infrequently hacker or bad peoples needs to inject some bad code in user’s device using JavaScript, So here this features helps the android and iOS application user to stop executing JavaScript and jQuery on their webpage loaded inside WebView […]

React Native Create Disabled Button State Using TouchableOpacity

TouchableOpacity has its Prop named as disabled={}, which is used to Enable and Disable the TouchableOpacity Button State. disabled={} prop support value in Boolean format . If we would set disabled={true} then it will automatically Disable the TouchableOpacity Button state and the button will no longer in work. If we would set the disabled={false} then it will Enable the TouchableOpacity […]

React Native Generate Random Number Between 1 to 100 in Android iOS

The JavaScript inbuilt function Math.floor() and Math.random() function is used in this tutorial. The Math.floor() function is used to round the given number to its downward integer value. The Math.random() function is used to Generate Random Number to any range in Point Float value. So we would use both Math.floor() and Math.random() function together to generate random number between given range. User […]