Where can We Find Bundle Identifier for React Native iOS Project

Bundle Identifier also known as iOS Bundle ID is same as we know the package name in android application. In Apple the Bundle ID is used to uniquely identify the application in Apple’s ecosystem. But some times one or many applications has the same Bundle ID so they might be conflict in the system. To avoid this situation apples recommended us the use the reverse domain name notation for defining the application bundle ID name. So in this tutorial we would learn about How and Where can We Find Bundle Identifier for React Native iOS Project also iOS Bundle ID.

Contents in this project Where can We Find Bundle Identifier for React Native iOS Project:-

1. To find your react native iOS project Bundle ID first open your iOS react native project in MAC.

2. Select the iOS folder .

3. Open the file named as Your_Project_Name.xcodeproj in XCODE.

4. After successfully opening your project in XCode . Select your Root project directory like I did in below screenshot.

5. Now, you’ll find the iOS project Bundle ID here.

Where can We Find Bundle Identifier for React Native iOS ProjectThe Bundle ID is also used in Firebase to authenticate your application.